Burgundy and Beige Choker Necklace with Crocheted Flower and semi precious Agate Stones

Burgundy and Beige Choker Necklace with Crocheted Flower and semi precious Agate Stones

  • $26.00

Burgundy and Beige Choker Necklace with Crocheted Flower and semi precious Agate Stones
This necklace is completely hand crocheted. The flowers are called as crochet, which is very
old and well known Turkish art. There are small semi -precious stones between the flowers but still very light. You can wear it day or night on almost every outfit. There is no metal so you can wear it comfortably even if you are allergic to metal. The necklace is 17”, 43cm (+-%10) long.
The closure is made with the same stone.
This is a very unique art and exceptionally beautiful jewelry.
It takes 1-2 days to make one and each one is different.Weight : 0.05 kg , 0.11 lbs

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